BY Virginia
I. DELAY AND THE FUTURE: Apart from the usual prob- lems of getting publications edited, printed and mail- ed, Joyce's death has added a new factor. This issue was delayed because of it. As to the future, I must record some reservations and indecision at this point. Not about TVia itself, but frankly I don't know about the Femme Mirror. I have no one in mind at present who could carry on in the way that Joyce did. Without a doubt Issue #20 due the 15th of Aug. will be omitted, whether it will resume there after remains to be seen. If it is discontinued of course it means a lot of book- keeping to readjust subscriptions paid in advance which included the Mirror. At the moment I just don't know. This has become somewhat of a Frankenstein and is go- ing to require some considerable internal rearrangement so please be understanding and patient.
II. PAYMENT FOR ITEMS; I receive quite a lot of pay- ments in cash. This is all right with me, but danger- ous for you. All mail sent to me does not get here, neither do all shipments out arrive at their destination. One can stop payments on checks and money orders, but not on cash. When cash payment does not arrive and the subscriber complains of non-receipt it is always embarrassing to me since the possibility always exists in his mind that I got the cash but denied it. I don't like to be placed in this position, so I recommend pay- ment in checks and money orders.
III. CODE NUMBERS: New subscribers, as soon as they find we have code numbers write and ask for one. don't assign codes until the person has purchased sever- al times to avoid cluttering the file with a lot of dead numbers. People who buy once or twice and quit be- cause TVia just isn't for them are numerous. every couple of months I find time to go over cards and assign numbers, so you'll get one in time.
PLAGIARISM MARCHES ON: There are always people